How to use Google Docs API the easy way

I wanted to use the Google Docs API to generate some documents programmatically. If you want to use the Google Docs API for managing your personal contents, this guide is for you. I had expected to complete this task in ~30 mins, thinking there should be some simple example from Google to follow. It ended … Continue reading How to use Google Docs API the easy way

On Assets

There usually exists a difference between understanding a concept and applying it. Asset is one such thing for me. The value of an asset grows with time. Some assets can also provide an additional stream of income. As a concept, it's super easy to grasp, even for a layperson with no education in personal finance. … Continue reading On Assets

Sell your by-products, data science edition

From Re Work (chapter sell your by-products): Manufacturing companies must deal with their wastes; this often leads them to create by-products and sell them. Henry Ford built a charcoal plan to produce briskets from wood scraps left in the production of the model T. In non-manufacturing industries, potential by-products may not be readily noticeable. But, … Continue reading Sell your by-products, data science edition

Tone is in your fingers – What is the best machine learning tool?

Photo by 42 North on From Re Work: When you play music, the quality of the melody that comes out depends largely on how skilled you are. It doesn't matter if you have the best guitar in the world, your music cannot be as good as that by a top guitarist. If you're not … Continue reading Tone is in your fingers – What is the best machine learning tool?